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Thoughts on Death and Dying from the cetaceans

Communication with Whales and Dolphins with Whale Communicator, Eric Ehrke. Click Here for Eric's post on his blog

This post is in response to Mary Fraser’s questions about the whale and dolphin hunts. She is a member of the Whale Communicators group and wanted to explore the whale and dolphin’s perspective of death, dying and human involvement with their lives. This message is their response to her questions.

Whale and Dolphin Perspectives on Death and Dying.

So you want to know why we allow ourselves as whales to become beached and harpooned to our death when we could use our talents to escape capture and live long lives without pain and suffering. It is important to know that pain and suffering are part of life. We see no separation from our Divine connection and know that pain is a powerful teacher recognized by all. The simplicity of pain’s message is also appreciated.

We know as a species that whaling is wrong. Enlightenment is the goal of our evolution and humans as well. People learn the most from their painful events in their lives rather than the positive ones. Of course many enlightened souls do learn from positive connections to Divine energy but the negative events tend to burn into our psyche the most. These events can propel and lead us into enlightenment or just more pain. Of course, we all choose which path.

Whales choose the path ofenlightenment more readily than humans. That’s not to say that misguided whales don’t make mistakes and loose their bearings, which we do. Some of the whales that beach themselves are doing just that. Their pain and suffering teach them the error of their ways. Interactions with humans and some of the frequencies pumped into the oceans make it more difficult for some whales to navigate. Some whales are born with a weaker constitution that can’t weather some of the stressors of life. Many succumb to their poor decisions and mistakes that they make do to these phenomena.

Whales are just like humans in that we are creatures on our spiritual path. We are not gods in making but we are trying to figure out ways to be God’s expression on earth. In service to this end many whales sacrifice their lives for spiritual agendas. They planned a limited stay on earth before they planned to return to their Divine nature. Many beings have no problem with dying on a soul level but the personality suffers the injuries and gets confused since it had no active participation in the process from its point of view. This same phenomenon happens with humans when they have accidents or bad events happen to them. Their soul planned the event but the personality struggles with the consequences.

We all come to earth to play, love and mingle with all life forms from every world while we are in illusion and oneness. We all have our agendas as to why we incarnate in each of our forms and face multiple trials and tribulations during our stay here. Rest assured that all whales know of the hunting behavior of humans before they incarnate. Some of us have agendas that include significant interactions with humans while others choose another path.

Those that interact frequently with humans have lessons that they want to explore for themselves, but many wish to teach humans also by becoming a mirror so humans can see the effects of their behavior. This is what many of the whales do when they end their life by becoming slaughter for humans. We do this as an act of love for our own evolvement. Many do it because they decided to end their adventure on earth and it is a fast way to exit the planet.

Whales make mistakes like everyone else and come to earth to experience the lessons that come from them. We also come to teach humans what we know about death. We have no fear of it like many humans do. Our survival instincts are alive and well like everyone else’s. Our soul always knows where we are on our spiritual path and why we incarnated.

In summary, whales do a little of everything. Some choose to die and become ensnared by human traps and death machines. Others make mistakes and learn from them. We are all one and a whale’s death is no different than the many human deaths on your shores. We come to learn, grow and develop more pathways to love, peace and harmony.

Sometimes becoming someone’s lunch is part of the path to the same place. Since we are all one, living within the human helps us contribute to the beauty of all life. We continue to live within the cellular structure of the human that consumed us or uses our body for whatever purpose they want.

Love, Peace and Harmony
The Whales

Dolphins explore and struggle with the same issues around death and dying as whales save one special difference. We intend and plan to teach interactively with humans more so than whales. We have been part of television shows, movies and healing groups to use our energy to advance the growth and development of humans in general. There is an army of lovers that have attempted to defend our right to live without being hunted and killed for sport or unconscious slaughter.

It is a tricky business to say one species is OK to love while others can be slaughtered with unconscious abandon. Humans attempt to do this with mixed results, as you all know. So dolphins have focused their attention to teach humans we are all one. We hope that their love for us, their willingness to defend our right to live and be treated with respect could be transferred to all life forms in the ocean as well as the planet.

This is the reason dolphins seek human contact so frequently. It is our joy to see humans mirror our joy to the world and themselves. It is our pleasure to teach humans everything we know about oneness and group energy on a planetary scale.

Dolphins die for the same reasons whales do. Some make mistakes. Others decide to leave the earth and humans gladly provide an exit strategy. Some incarnate to be caught, filmed and become Internet examples of unconscious human behavior that may educate the human masses. We have many agendas just like humans.

Rest assured everything that happens is all good in the grand scheme of things. Dolphins know we go into our next incarnation. This is what separates us from humans. We know it is all good during our incarnation, even our accidental death at the hands of a careless or ill-intentioned human. We know we are all one and remain so as an incarnate or disincarnate life form. Thank you for asking this important question.

Blessings and Peace.
The Dolphins.



If only all the hands that reached, could touch. May Love touch you and fill your days.

From the incredible Gregory Colbert movie, Ashes and Snow (a must see)


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