Whale Communicators is a 2 hour elearning DVD collaboration between Mary J. Getten, renowned author and animal communicator and Staci Housum, an multimedia developer to create this loving body of work to share the messages of the whales and dolphins with the human race and to assist them in opening human hearts. Messages from six species of cetacea: humpback whales, gray whales, orcas aka killer whales, Atlantic Bottlenose Dolphins, Atlantic Spotted Dolphins, and Ambassador Dolphins. Anyone can connect with the whales and dolphins through the Universal Language of Mental Telepathy. Communicating with cetaceans, whales, dolphins, all of nature and the Web of Life helped Staci heal her life through the guidance of Mary Getten in learning animal communication and swimming with wild dolphins. Staci says that is was a group of bottlenose dolphins that literally pieced her broken heart back together in a 3 hour period that she swam with these wild dolhins in the Bahamas. Wonderful connections to all of life. Others words used to describe us - Cetacean communication, animal communication, whale communication, dolphin communication, whale whisperer, water blessings, energy work, ceteacean energy work, akashic records, cetaceans, love dolphins, whale human connection, dolphin human, intuition, intuitive, messages from whales and dolphins, LOVE, Peace & Unity. Whale Whisperer, Whale Whisperers, connection.