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Workshops for Children and Adults




I am currently on the West Coast but would be willing to fly or drive to you depending upon your distance from me. We have a wealth of information to share with men, women, children, seniors and all who know deep within their heart that something is missing . . . Please let us help you RECONNECT and AWAKEN to you GRANDNESS.

Workshops available in General Information on Whales, Messages from the Wheles and Dolphins, Our Connection to the Web of LIfe, on Cetacean Energies and their amazing healing abilities, Cetacean Meditations, Eye of the whale Transformative Meditation, Water and Land blessings (should to be done by a body of water preferably but not necessary), Building Your Intuitive skills. Protecting Yourself Energetic Field while connecting to the Web of LIfe.

Please write me at anastasia@heartcommunicators.org


Thank You for following the messages of the whales and dolphins. Our mission is to help the whales and dolphins open humanity's hearts. So please share our website and message with your friends and loved ones. We are all ONE and we ALL make a difference.


If you have been helped or inspired by our web page and Facebook pages, PLEASE HELP us continue our work with Mother Earth and within our Universe. Your donation will go along way for our Planet and our Universe. Namaste and Thank You°❤° ~Anastasia

(tax receipts available email me at anastasia@heartcommunicators.org)

We WHALEY Love You and Your donation makes a huge difference°❤°