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We watch you all from afar and sometimes up close. We know the majority of you love us and want to see us remain on your Planet. We ask you, if you really want to save us, the time is here. Save Yourself. By saving yourselves, you SAVE US ALL. Wake Up, the time is NOW.

~ Humpback Whale Communication with Anastasia Maria 12/5/12


Johannes the whale (Netherlands) Unfortunately, this whale sacrificed his life so that the human race might AWAKEN.

Special thanks to Jacquelien van Os for keeping us posted


The communication Jacquelien van Os sent to me 12-14-12

Jacquelien van Os
I hope you van transelate Engelentherapie Benelux De missie van Johannes; De Bultrug Walvis bij Texel heeft een Boodschap

Lieve Familie van het Licht,
Op het moment dat ik dit artikel schrijf is Johannes, zoals de Bultrug op het zandeilandje de ‘Razende Bol’ bij Texel is gedoopt, nog in leven. Het laatste nieuws is dat het er niet goed uit ziet en dat de Bultrug stervende is, na 2 mislukte reddingspogingen door Ecomare en de KNRM.

Reden waarom ik de Bultrug walvis onder de aandacht wil brengen heeft te maken met gemende gevoelens; De reden waarom Johannes exact op woensdag 12/12/12 is aangekomen, de leermomenten van de wereld, en het bewustzijn van de Nederlanders. Al jaren werk ik zelf met de energieën van Engelen en Lichtmeesters, echter nu inmiddels bijna een jaar mag ik erg veel informatie ontvangen via “Yentl”, een vrouwelijke bultrug walvis uit de Zuidkaap, voor het walvissen bewustzijn. Zoals velen beseffen, de walvissen zijn de Hoeders van de Aarde en brengen ons veel. Walvissen bewustzijn verruimt de Mediamieke gaven door uitbreiding van de pijnappelklier en brengt openheid en inzichten. Kan je tijdelijk een gevoel van verdriet geven omdat deze herinnering veel mooier is dan de wereld waar je nu in leeft. Je komt tot leven en je zult tintelingen voelen. Het Walvis bewustzijn werkt zeer aardend.
Samen met Joy Wolfhagen, die weer in nauw contact staat met de energie van Dolfijnen, de Hoeders van de Oceanen, hebben we het afgelopen jaar erg veel informatie en inzichten van zowel haar dolfijnengidsen, ‘Manny & Joy’, gedeeld en vergeleken met de informatie die Yentl, de vrouwelijke Bultrug walvis ons heeft geschonken voor het bewustzijn van de mens. Zo zijn we op donderdag 13 december ’12 in de ochtend al samen in verbinding gegaan met de gestrande bultrug ‘Johannes’ en alle gidsen vanuit het Walvissen en Dolfijnen Bewustzijn.

De Missie van de Bultrug bij Texel
Direct na het opzetten van de muziek en de verbinding met de Bultrug bij Texel, kreeg ik contact met zowel deze bultrug, als met Yentl. Ik heb daarbij heel veel doorgekregen;
12/12/12: Gedurende de dag van 12/12/12 zijn vele graancirkels op aarde volop tot leven komen, sinds hun aanwezigheid op deze planeet. Ze zullen gaan samenwerken en zich afstemmen op alle megalieten locaties, de heilige plaatsen op onze planeet. Een heilig weefsel tussen de kristallen en de graancirkels zal tot stand komen, en zij creëren een reeks van nieuwe energetische leylijnen. Dit heilige web, is een opening van vele poorten, en een ieder van ons heeft de mogelijkheid om daar deelgenoot van te zijn.
Welnu, het onbewoonde eilandje Razende Bol, vlakbij Texel, waar deze Bultrug nu op vast is gelopen, is een markeringspunt voor een poort in dit Heilige en kosmische web... Opmerkelijk is ook dat het NOS nieuws schrijft; “Gisteren hebben medewerkers van het natuurcentrum de hele dag geprobeerd het dier van twaalf meter lang te redden. In eerste instantie lukte het om de bultrug weer de zee in te krijgen, maar na een uur zwom hij opnieuw het eilandje op.”
Yentl voegt eraan toe: Het werk moet afgemaakt worden! Wellicht bedoeld ze hiermee dat de Bultrug Walvis bewust is terug gezwommen op het eilandje??? Belangrijk voor ons is te weten dat er een zeer belangrijk punt wordt gecreëerd die een verbinding zal zijn om ons bewustzijn op te focussen, maar zeker ook een punt waar we regelmatig in de buurt mogen komen voor verbindende meditaties. Het verbindt de Binnenaarde (aardewezens) met de Kosmos, en wij mogen zelf het middenstation zijn. De Bultrug bij Texel geeft aan dat het zijn missie is... op leven en dood! Zijn heilige werk zal vandaag (donderdag 13 december) om 13:13 uur klaar zijn. Het is nu aan de mens of we daar zuiver mee omgaan, en daarnaast aan de kennis van de reddingwerkers of hij het overleeft of niet. Indien hij niet overleeft, mag de herinnering aan het heilig werk NOOIT verloren gaan, maar ook als hij het wel overleeft. Het exacte punt, 'de razende bol' zal in ieder geval een zeer belangrijke poort zijn in het heilig en kosmisch web voor de energieën die ons leiden naar het Aquariustijdperk.

Heilige Plaats
Wat het lot van Johannes ook moge zijn, laten wij niet vergeten dat hij met een reden is gekomen; namelijk het creëren van een heilige poort op de ‘razende bol’, dat deel uitmaakt van een gigantisch heilig en kosmisch web. Noorderhaaks, ook wel Razende Bol genoemd, is een onbewoond eilandje (met een oppervlakte boven gemiddeld hoogwater van circa 4 km²), direct ten westen van het Marsdiep bij het Nederlandse eiland Texel. Formeel is 'De Razende Bol' alleen de oostpunt van het eilandje. Noorderhaaks maakt bestuurlijk onderdeel uit van de gemeente Texel, en geologisch van de Haaksgronden, net als Zuiderhaaks.

Een leermoment voor de mensheid
De mens mag nu vanuit het eigen bewustzijn een keuze maken tussen Liefde en Licht, of handelen vanuit het beperkte bewustzijn. Op dit moment zijn er 2 bultrugwalvissen voor de Noordzeekust gesignaleerd, het zou gaan om een moeder en haar kind. Wellicht het wijfje en baby van Johannes? Feit is dat ‘Johannes’ telkens weer opleeft en strijdlustig wordt, en er zijn meerdere energieën bezig om hem te helpen. Dit is een leermoment voor de mensheid en de planeet Aarde. Het geld wat dit kost is nu niet belangrijk; Wij, de Nederlanders, beschikken over kennis en materieel, zowel bij defensie, als bij Smit Tak om zandvlaktes op te spuiten, waterkeringen te bouwen en complete zeecontainers van enorme dieptes te bergen, en... De hele wereld vraagt de Pioniers van Nederland om de 'know-how'... Het is dan ironisch te zien dat KNRM en ECOMARE (beiden gedragen door vrijwilligers en donaties) wel de juiste intentie hebben, maar niet het materiaal...
Nog opmerkelijker zijn de nieuwsitems in de diverse mainstream media; Ik heb ook wat gemengde gevoelens als ik het Nieuws op TV bekijk. Een volwassen bultrug, in dit geval 12 meter en ongeveer 20 ton aan gewicht. Leuke details, maar het is en blijft een levend wezen. Slechts de vrijwilligers van KNRM & Ecomare werken keihard, maar 2 pogingen zijn mislukt... En dan direct na het item over ‘Johannes’ een schokkend bericht er achteraan: Het Nederlandse leger heeft met groot materieel een beeld van massamoordenaar Lenin, 19 meter lang en maar liefst 70 ton aan gewicht in Assen geplaatst!!! Heel Ironisch: Wij betalen het leger van onze belastinggelden, terwijl KNRM en Ecomare nog altijd erg afhankelijk zijn van subsidies en donateurs. De wereld op zijn kop! Hier heeft de wereld wat van te leren. Waarom niet rechtsomkeer en met het leger naar de walvis?

Laat dit een boodschap voor de mensheid zijn; Laten we het welzijn van deze bultrug walvis nu eens bovenaan zetten... Tenslotte bracht hij ons op 12/12/12 een geschenk door de poort te openen naar een nieuw tijdperk. Laten wij hem zijn leven schenken met al onze kennis en materialen, zonder eens te denken aan de kosten die het met zich mee brengt. Johannes zelf zegt hierover: “Het is nu aan de mens om te handelen vanuit Eenheid, Liefde en Licht en laat het beperkte bewustzijn nu maar varen”
Ik roep hierbij een ieder op, om zolang er leven en strijdlust is in Johannes, samen een energetisch veld om hem heen te creëren, zodat zijn organen in tact blijven.

Een kleurrijke hartegroet,
John Breukels

I hope you trans late Angels Therapy Benelux The mission of John: The Humpback Whale at Texel has a Message

Dear Family of Light,
At the moment I am writing this article is John, like the Humpback on the sand island the 'Razende Bol' at Texel was baptized, still alive. The latest news is that it does not look good and that the humpback dying, after two failed rescue attempts by Ecomare and the KNRM.

Why I Humpback Whale wants to bring to the attention has to deal with mixed feelings, the reason why John has arrived exactly on Wednesday, 12/12/12, the teachable moments of the world, and the consciousness of the Dutch. For years I work myself with the energies of Angels and Light Masters, however, now become almost a year I received a lot of information on "Yentl", a female humpback whale in the Southern Cape, the whale consciousness. As many realize, the whales are the Keepers of the Earth and bring us a lot. Whales consciousness broadens Mediumistic gifts by extending the pineal gland and brings openness and insights. Can you give a temporary feeling of sadness because this memory is much nicer than the world you now live. You come to life and you will feel tingling. The Whale consciousness works very grounding.
Together with Joy Wolfhagen, which again is in close contact with the energy of Dolphins, the Guardians of the Oceans, we have over the past year a lot of information and insights from both her dolphin guides, Manny & Joy ', shared and compared with the information that Yentl, the female humpback whale has given us the mind of man. So we are on Thursday 13 December '12 in the morning all together in connection with the stranded humpback gone 'John' and all guides from the Whales and Dolphins Consciousness.

The Mission of the Humpback at Texel
Immediately after the creation of the music and the connection to the Humpback at Texel, I got in touch with both the humpback whale, as with Yentl. I've been taking a lot by;
12/12/12: During the day 12.12.12 Many crop circles on Earth fully to life, since their presence on this planet. They will cooperate and align with all megalithic sites, holy places on our planet. A holy tissue between the crystals and the crop circles will come, and they create a series of new energetic ley lines. This sacred web, is opening many doors, and each of us has the opportunity to be a part to be enjoyed.
Well, the uninhabited islet Razende Bol, near Texel, where the Humpback now fixed run, is a marker for a port in this Holy and cosmic web ... It is also remarkable that the NOS news writes, "Yesterday, employees of the nature center all day trying to twelve meters long animal rescue. Initially managed to humpback back into the sea, but after an hour he swam back to the island. "
Yentl adds: The work must be finished! Perhaps they meant that this Humpback Whale aware swam back to the island??? Important for us to know that there is a very important point is created that a connection will be able to focus our consciousness, but also a point where we regularly around may qualify for connecting meditations. It connects the Inner Earth (Earth beings) with the Cosmos, and we may fix the middle station. The Humpback at Texel indicates that its mission is ... of life and death! His sacred work will today (Thursday, December 13) at 13:13 hours ready. It is now up to the people whether we deal with pure, and also to the knowledge of the rescuers whether he survives or not. If he does not survive, the memory of the holy work NEVER lost, but even if he does survive. The exact point, 'the raging ball' will in any case a very important port in the sacred and cosmic web of energies that lead us into the Aquarian age.

Holy Place
What the fate of John may be, let us not forget that he has come for a reason, namely the creation of a sacred gate on the 'raging ball', which is part of a gigantic sacred and cosmic web. Noorderhaaks, also Razende Bol, is an uninhabited island (with an area above mean high water of approximately 4 km ²), directly west of the Marsdiep at the Dutch island Texel. Formally "The Raging Bol 'only the eastern tip of the island. Noorderhaaks is administratively part of the municipality of Texel, and geology of the Elbow Grounds, like Zuiderhaaks.

A learning moment for humanity
Man may now from the own consciousness a choice between Love and Light, or act from the limited consciousness. At present there are 2 humpback whales off the North Sea coast signaled it was going to be a mother and her child. Perhaps the female and baby John? The fact is that 'John' is constantly revives and combative, and there are multiple energies trying to help him. This is a learning moment for humanity and the planet Earth. The money this cost is not important, we, the Dutch, have knowledge and equipment, both in defense, as with Smit Tak to hustle to spraying, to build dikes and sea containers full of enormous depths mountains, and .. . The world asks the Pioneers of the Netherlands to the 'know-how' ... It is ironic to see that KNRM and Ecomare (both by volunteers and donations) have the right intention, but not the material ...
Even more remarkable are the new items in the various mainstream media, I also have some mixed feelings when I see the news on TV. An adult humpback, in this case 12 meters and about 20 tonnes in weight. Nice details, but it is still a living being. Only the volunteers KNRM & Ecomare work hard, but 2 attempts have failed ... And immediately after the item about 'John' a shocking message after him: The Dutch army with heavy equipment a picture of mass murderer Lenin, 19 meters long and up to 70 tons of weight placed in Assen! Very Ironic: We pay the army of our tax money, while KNRM and Ecomare still very dependent on grants and donations. The world upside down! Here is what the world of learning. Why not turn around and with the army to the whale?

Leave a message for mankind; Let the welfare of the humpback whale sometimes put on top ... Finally he brought us a gift by 12/12/12 to open the gate to a new era. Let him give his life with all our knowledge and materials, without even thinking about the costs that it entails. John himself says: "It is up to man to act from Unity, Love and Light and let the limited consciousness but now sail"
I call upon everyone to, for as long as life and militancy in John, along an energy field around him to create, so his organs remain intact.

A colorful heart greeting,
John Breukels


Whale Communication sent to us from Anne Gordon on DECEMBER 16TH, 2012

I was asked today to connect with Johannes the stranded humpback whale in Holland and thought I would share what came through with you. Feel free to share it if you wish.
"I came to risk myself to help humans come together at a time of need. There is much fear and stress in the world today and it is my soul's mission to offer my physical life in service to the human race. My goal in stranding was to bring humans together, hoping they would bond in the effort to save my life. I want people to forget their daily worries to join together in an act of selfless love to save my live. I want to live. I am saddened to see that people are fighting over what to do with me and many are giving up. I can survive and live a long, healthy life if you humans can drop your fears and need to control the situation and act purely from your hearts with no ego involved."
I sensed there is a very strong life force and a white light around him, almost angelic. The angels are with him in honor of this incredible act of selfless love and beauty in a drastic attempt to heal the world.
Happy Holidays and much love to you,
~ Anne Gordon

Whale Communication (Humpback) Dec 8th 2012 from Janey Bosch -

(I connected with humpback. I'm not sure if it was the Deva of Humpbacks or a collective, or if there's even a difference. They asked me to "swim" with them a bit before they let me work on the message. i spent a lot of time with it.) - - -I love Janey's communications and I was surprised how her communcation and my communication rang of the same flavor. We did not read each others communications to each other. We saw them after we did them separately. Check out the comments section for the other communication. ~Anastasia

Janey's full Communication with the Humpback
"Many among you continue to search for conspiracies or “bad guys” with whom you must do “battle” in order to bring healing and transformation to the world. This serves no one and overlooks many truths. The time of battles is long over. The world will only be “won” on the “battlefield” within each one of you. (This is an unfortunate metaphor, but one humans seem to relate well to.) This view serves only to perpetuate illusions of separation and victimhood, abdicating individual power to others. Perhaps most difficult for humans to grasp is that everything happens, everything serves, to produce and to expand consciousness. There are no bad guys.

This is not to say that evil is not perpetrated, that action should not be taken, or that Truth should not be spoken. But wherever that action is motivated by an “Us against Them” perspective, or imbalances of consciousness, nothing is accomplished. Resistance does not heal or transform. It serves only to create further imbalance. Balance cannot come from imbalance.

Each travesty, each calamity, every apparently evil act can be healed only by Love. Resistance, “battle,” will only magnify and expand that which is wounded. The “battle” for the world can only be won on the battlefield within. The New World can only be engendered by the I AM consciousness within you. Hence, the "battle" lies within each of you. Find and embrace your True Selves.

Love those you perceive to be destructive forces—even corporations, governments, militaries. They are imbalanced and fear for their very existence. Let them be transformed by your prayers. Offer them healing. Offer them Light. But the greatest gift you can offer them is the awareness, the embracing of your own I AM consciousness, for in that lies all healing. And the good news in that is that as each individual remembers the Truth of their Being, the Light of Spirit grows exponentially in the world. A very small number of conscious humans can shift the Collective Consciousness.

Worry not about saving the whales, but rather “saving” your True Self. Therein are not only the whales saved, but the entire world as well". ~Janey Bosch


Humpback Whale Communication with Anastasia Maria - Dec 5th, 2012


Anastasia to the Humpback Whale - Thank you for showing yourself to me and for coming to me today to help me figure out answers to these things.

Humpback Whale - I see your heart and I hear your cries. We hear all the human cries that go out to the Universe. We love you humans so much and it is difficult to watch and understand how so many of your kind remain untouched and unfazed by what is happening around you in your world every day. So many of you have picked lives of money, wealth, gain and material things and it has exhausted resources on your Planet and it has exhausted your spirit trying to keep up with everyone else and stay on top of the consumerism that has captured and bedazzled your masses.

You are right when you say Anastasia that television is one of the worst things that you can energetically do for yourself daily. It puts out erratic energies that confuse you human and keeps you in an unfocused and unsettled state. It makes it more difficult for you to see through all the smoke screens that are constantly placed in front of you. The materials that come through these electronic boxes you worship poison your minds and shut down your hearts. The programming that the powers that control your Planet use to carry messages to you through these electronic boxes cause you to stay stuck and to stay immobile. In effect it dulls all your senses, it dummies down your intelligence and it causes your Spirit to dissipate.

Humans, must get outdoors now whether it is winter or summer in your region. There are so many wonderful energies hitting your Planet in recent years gaining momentum with each full moon. There is so much to be absorbed by the human spirit when in nature amongst the animals and insects and plants and trees. This is a gift that many of you never even take notice of.

By staying indoors attached to your electronic boxes, you are moved towards anger, aggression and hopelessness. These are all ways you have been manipulated to be made powerless and to stay small. When you are connected with the outdoors and nature, you view all of life differently. When you can talk the Universal language that the whole Universe speaks, instead of the limited language that has replaced this robust Universal Language, you continue to stay small and are very easily lead. But by opening up to the Universal Language of mental telepathy or as some in your world call it Animal Communication. You are not only opening the door to another language which every human being on your Planet is capable of relearning - but you open yourself up to many facets of life that you never realized existed in your world. That have been hidden and distorted throughout your history.

It has been very important for the powers that have controlled you for ions of time to keep you very small in thought, to keep you enslaved to working long hours to keep up what they have called your standard of living. The have used these electronic boxes to manipulate your minds and to get you buying into their way of your existing on this Planet. It has been a way that has kept you small and limited in all that is available to everyone upon your Planet.

Fighting and warring is a great deterrent for the controllers to make you upset, angry and keep you in fear. When they have you in this place - they win - you are distracted - you are ineffective to make real energetic changes because you are stuck in fear and anger. When you walk away from these electronic boxes and connect with the world as it has been from the beginning of time, in it's natural state, you begin to open doors that have long been shut or possibly permanently shut to you thus far in your lifetimes.

You begin to awaken to a world that holds great promise, great opportunities for all life. You begin to understand your connection to each and every living BEing within your Universe. You begin to understand what was the original intention and creation for your heart Planet: Planet Earth. A place where life grows rich and people get along and learn from each other regardless of color or income. You get to know about people of different cultures and different attributes and the richness of what this diversity can bring to the wonderful heart planet. This doesn't take away from your own existence as you have been lead to believe, it enhances it. As a matter of fact, it makes your hearts richer, it makes Mother Earth and all her inhabitants so much richer. Enriched with the true life energy of our Universe - not the phony ones that come through your electronic boxes promising you wondrous things that never quite fill the void deep within you.

This is a wonderful opportune time to polish that facet of the diamond that only you can bring forth to this Planet at this time. We all need you light and need your sparkle to move this all forward for the benift of all the human race not just a select group.

We ask you humbly and quite seriously to remove your electronic boxes from your life, get connected to the Web of Life, and discover the inner riches of life. From this place within yourself, you have the power to do great and immense things for your Planet. The time is now - put your energy where it is most needed . . . In moving mankind forward and dissolving the old ways of hatred, anger, separation, confusion and disillusion.

When one of your brethren suffers, we all suffer. It is the energetic interconnection of life. There is no way around it. The only way around it is going right through it, eyes wide open with a heart full of love and Unity the end goal for all.

We watch you all from afar and sometimes up close. We know the majority of you love us and want to see us remain on your Planet. We ask you, if you really want to save us, the time is here. Save Yourself. By saving yourselves, you SAVE US ALL.

Wake Up, the time is NOW.

~Anastasia Maria, Whale Communicators.com Click Here for Anastasia's full post 12-5-12